What Is Node.Js?

Node.js is a Javascript-based open-source platform that is completely free and lots of developers are using this technology around the world. It brings many different advantages that you could choose this platform in place of Java or PHP. So, people who are new to the web or mobile app development can surely focus on this to make a good career ahead. Giant enterprises like Walmart, Netflix, NASA, Paypal, etc. are using this platform.

Web Development with Node.Js

The Node.js runtime environment was developed as a result of Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine. Node.js can be used for Backend for Social Media Networking, Single-page applications, chatbot applications, and Internet of Things applications.

Benefits Of Using Node.Js Web Development Platform

Let’s see what are the benefits of using node js development services for your website or mobile application. Check out the benefits below:

1) It is a Rich System

Over 836,000 open-source JavaScript libraries are available on Node.js, and more than 10,000 are released every week.

2)Scalable Technology for Micro-Services

In Node.js, application logic can be broken down into smaller micro-services to facilitate flexibility and lay the groundwork for future growth. In short, this system will allow you to build micro-services on top of existing ones, instead of adding new functionalities to the core app.

3) Solid Tech Stack

Over 450 new contributors have contributed to Node.js during 2018, resulting in 368,985,988 downloads and over 750 new contributors. By using this technology for JavaScript development, you can gain better efficiency and productivity. Besides being able to share and reuse code, Node.js is also fast and highly performant, with free tools, so it’s a great option for developers.

4) JSON Support

A JSON file, also known as JavaScript Object Notation, transforms data into key-value pairs to make all web applications act like software. As opposed to PHP and Ruby, JSON automatically recycles connections between a web browser and a remote server, making data transmission and organization simple. Node.js utilizes this support to help organize large amounts of data by speeding up the primary data transfer standards.

Want To Hire a Node.Js Developer — Focus On Given 4 Points

Below are the pointers you need to focus on before hiring a node.js developer for your website or mobile app.

1) Open-Source Node.js Portfolio

It is important to check the open-source portfolio of Node.js developers before actually hiring them. Make sure the candidate has delivered successful projects. With a large range of projects, a Node.js development company will demonstrate its experience and expertise.

2) How Node.js Databases Work

Many databases on the market are compatible with Node.js. To be able to determine the database that most fits the needs of a development firm, it’s important to understand the nature of the project. Recruiters must ensure that Node.js developers possess sufficient database and implementation expertise before hiring them.

3) DevOps and NodeJS Deployment Experience

Node.js projects may have different deployment requirements. Look for a node.js developer who has DevOps certification when hiring a node.js developer. Your developer should also be capable of load balancing, and scaling the application across a variety of servers and databases, so you can ensure the app is running correctly.

4) Use of Node.js Experience Beyond HTTP

A node.js application can work with protocols beyond the general HTTP protocol. If you are looking to hire a node js web developer then you can contact Innvonix Tech Solutions. We have expert node.js developers who have been working on such projects for a long.