The Vue framework executes a progressive approach to building user interfaces. Unlike other monolithic frameworks, Vue is designed from the ground up to be adopted incrementally. It is an easy-to-pick-up & easy-to-integrate library concentrated only on the view layer.

Here as a leading Vuejs development company let’s discuss the advantages of Vue.js that every developer should know. Let’s take a look at these benefits one by one.

1) Great Flexibility

The flexibility of Vue.js is one of its significant advantages. Using it is very simple because tools such as Templating Engines like Pug, CSS Preprocessors like Sass, Less, Stylus, etc., and Type checks like Typescript can easily be added and worked with.

2) Small Size

As JavaScript frameworks are small in size, their popularity has increased. The smaller they are, the more developers can use them with ease.

Vue.js has the edge of being a small framework; its size ranges from 18–21KB, and downloading and using it takes no time at all.

3) Easily Understandable

Data, life-cycle, and custom methods are all divided within a well-defined architecture. Some excellent Vue.js directives allow developers to watch and calculate properties to develop a modern application.

This framework can help you develop small and large web applications, and save a considerable amount of time.

4) Best of Both Worlds

Vue.js also uses the best of both Angular and React while discarding the not-so-good parts. It is inspired by both Angular and React and thus learns from both.

Vue.js also uses some Angular-like templating syntax without changing programming languages (TypeScript). It continues to be an excellent reason to hire Vue.js developers.

5) Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) Architecture

Vue’s architecture provides outstanding UI capabilities due to its MVVM architecture. Vue.js’ MVVM architecture enhances the user experience significantly.

By simplifying UI event-driven programming, MVVM simplified user interface programming. In this way, system performance improved. It is necessary to note that this framework primarily addresses the ViewModel layer of the MVVM architecture.

It allows you to keep the application running instead of redesigning the entire application every time by simply plugging in the desired template whenever your user interface becomes outdated,

6) Progressiveness

Progressive frameworks are defined in the best way, incrementally flexible, and they introduce additional markup to the HTML code with each incremental version.

Thus, it acclimates to the needs of developers instead of requiring them to rewrite existing applications or set up servers.

As a simple script tag, you can add to your HTML code, and it will gradually extend to meet your needs until it can manage the whole layer.

Vue.js is sometimes called the ‘new jQuery’ for this very reason. The developer must transition from another framework to use Vue.js when they use it.

7) Community and Support

The open-source community, including local developers and sponsors, is the main reason for the success of Vue.js. Vue.js is beginning to challenge Angular and React as the framework and it provides responsive support that makes it a great platform.

GitHub issues and queries are resolved quickly within hours on the official platform. Additionally, updates to the platform’s support guides and information follow consistent release cycles.

8) Great Tooling

There are some great tools for Vue.js. The new Vue CLI version 3, for instance, is probably one of the best tools available for any Javascript framework.

The framework contains features like routing, state storage, linting, unit testing, CSS preprocessors, Typescript, PWA, etc., so you can start from scratch with new projects.

Vue CLI provides a UI for managing your projects and also allows you to save your presets to use in other projects down the road.

9) Simple Integration

Vue.js doesn’t require you to have node and npm installed. That’s why you can create a new web application and modify the existing apps. It is an excellent replacement for jQuery.

10) Two-Way Communication

MVVM, the underlying architecture of Vue.js, facilitates two-way communication because of its easy handling of HTML blocks. In many ways, it appears to be very similar to Angular.js, which accelerates HTML blocks as well.

It is also called 2-way Data Binding, which means any changes made to your UI will process through your data, and it will reflect in your UI.

As well as being known as Reactive, React.js only supports one-way communication, whereas Vue.js reacts whenever your data changes.


This article has analyzed various Vue advantages and how they might apply to you. Though Vue.js is a powerful technology, it’s not right for every project. Hire Vuejs developers to develop a web or mobile app.